Thursday, December 29, 2011

Starting Over

Isn't it the perfect time to do that? 2012 will be better (this is what I say every year end about the next year)

2011 was not bad, it treated me kind. Igot a series of raises at work that totaled 27% when compared to last year and my husband got about 4 promotions during 2011. Thinking back, 2011 did us good. I also started blogging, cooking more, putting me first instead of work, etc. It's really made me a happier person. I will continue this path into 2012 and that is why I believe 2012 will be even better.

As for my jogging/runing situation, that was seriously put on hold during the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays, but it definitely helped me because I have been consistently 3lbs lighter for the past two months. Will definitely keep this up into 2012 as I try to capitalize on the last two years of my 20's and be the fittest I can. With that said, I will not pass up a mocha or a piece of cake if it's offered to me. hahaha.

Lastly, two big changes in 2011. I started to eat pickles, something I hated my whole life but now find them really tasty (must be my German side finally showing) and I learned I'm allergic to Burt's Bee Chapstick. The visual impact is not bad because I feel a little Angelina Jolie but my lips hurts, burns and stings all at the same time. I initially thought it was infection spread from a makeup counter lip gloss applied on me by a lady that works the counter in Neiman Marcus, but I opened a new Burts Bee yesterday and what do you know, my lips are f*cked up again.